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In the days leading to the decision to come to Oxford to start the journey of Pastoring Victory Centre Oxford, I recalled the constant intervention of God in my life in many ways.

In salvation, deliverance, healing, provision, direction, and, I realised I must not make the mistake of prophet Jonah to head to Tarshish but to hid God’s call and direction to head to Oxford and do God’s business.

My first experience, like Samuel did, was a tap on my shoulder that woke me up from deep sleep with a voice telling me to read Psalm 110, and a similar experience weeks later to read Luke 4:18 clearly. God wanted me in ministry, and He woke me up many nights just saying Oxford to my ears. He also shockingly confirmed through my Pastor’s wife that God had instructed them to send someone to Oxford two years earlier but did not know I was the one for the assignment.

So we’re here now, and God has not left us alone, not a chance. God has set his eyes on more extraordinary things for us, rising from a position of nothing (barrenness) to a fruitful field to an exciting mighty forest; the journey is just started.

Isaiah 32:15 (ESV)
15 until the Spirit is poured upon us from on high,
and the wilderness becomes a fruitful field,
and the fruitful field is deemed a forest.

So come along and experience God with us as we encounter God constantly in every sphere of endeavour and enjoy this amazing journey of God’s presence and work at Victory Centre.


Pst Emmanuel Oyedoh

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